My individual document on the consequences of the current health crisis

The document I chose as my personal document on the notion "spaces and exchanges", is a cartoon drawn by a french artist, Michel Cambon.
Firstly, a man is standing in the middle of the image. He has his back turned so we can't see his face, but we understand well that he is looking out, and even we don't see his facial emotions, we could imagine he is in a hurry to go outside. This man wears a prisoner outfit: the black and yellow stripes one.
Finally, we undeniably perceive the heavy ball attached to his feet. But the ball isn't the one the prisoners use to drag: the ball is in reality a big virus.
As the drawing is pretty recent, it's obvious to say that the virus is the COVID-19, the dangerous pandemic which obligate the entire world to stay at home, in quarantine.

I think this document is a good illustation to the two terms of the notion "spaces and exchanges". 

Indeed, the vision of the space is very present in the drawing. With the confinement, each of us must stay at home and this measure marks the limit of the spaces we can frequent. The area of our house is quite small, but that's sure that some people have an advantage, in view of their space of life. It's easier to enjoy staying at home in a big house, with a garden and a lot of space. For those who live in an apartment without balcony and with kids; it is very hard to handle. In this cartoon, we understand the man's desire to go outside. He feels like a prisoner in his own house, which appears as a cell.  We all have this impression. 
Then, we realize that all the spaces we use to frequent are closed and inaccessible. Schools, restaurants, bars, cinemas, public spaces... We can't go anywhere and I think that's very hard to be restricted in our movements. Our space of life is deeply limited and we have to accept it and to wait for the end of this phenomenon. By staying at home, we save many lives and it is unacceptable to see an amount of persons going outside as if nothing was happening. As the big virus illustrates it well in the cartoon, the coronavirus is an important enemy as it has changed our lifestyle, and we have to fight for the win. The comparison with the prisoner is very subtle, because the freedom that the prisoner lacks, is in reality the same as ours: be allowed to get out. 

According to the term "exchanges", there are many things to say about this image. 
Firstly, according to the economic exchange, the international econony is worsening day after day, because of the drop of the selling. We could say that the economy is at a standstill. 
But this decrease of the industry also has a positive impact on the planet: the pollution is reduced and that's a good point for the fight against global warming. Even if this aspect isn't represented in the cartoon, it's seems important to talk about it. 
Finally, if we talk about social exchange, that's true to say that we have lost the sense of communication between people. We only can communicate with our family (or the people we are confined with), and we can't directly have a conversation with external people. Our communication network is limited and we really feel appart from society. If we look at the cartoon, it's clear that the man appears alone and without any company. For those people who are in that situation of loneliness, this must be even harder to cope. 
But we also could find another advantage of the situation. Indeed, with the lack of real communication, people are pushed to use more virtual communication, and to discover others forms of communication through news technologies: we learn to use news tools (visioconference) and to me, this will be very helpful in the future. 

It's important to find positive aspects of the situation, even if this health crisis is a big tragedy for the entire world. 


  1. OK Mila!
    Please stay safe and healthy...

  2. Very well done! This is personal and original enough. A good choice of document.
    ==> 18/20


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